I am continuing my A-Z OF THE WORLD theme for my new Website Blogs – From A-Z of Country Info and Recipe.
Still on the A’S: Here is –
I used to present live cooking demonstrations in the shopping center’s in Perth, WA and this is a great Fish one pot dish I did, and it is so easy and yet absolutely delicious. This time I used Whiting as well as spotting some Scottish kippers (though this smoked delicacy has bones in them so I just cut the fillets in half-length ways and put them on top of the rest of the ingredients etc). Both essential ingredients like Okra (of West African origins) and in kale are in season.
See *photo of ingredients.
Have you ever seen a HIPPO SURF?!
Angola has not had the best of press in the past, but travellers now report a passionate resilient people who just love life. “Tudo bom?” (= How’s things) is their greeting to you. The next key phrase to know is’ Kizomba’ their genre of dance and music full of romance and Samba music which must have influenced Brazil!
They also report fantastic Surfing Atlantic beaches, where apparently even Hippopotamus’s have been observed riding the waves!! I’d be careful swimming there, let alone surfing!
They are also renowned for Diamonds but keep away for them and stick to the more cultural aspects and dance the night away instead. They also make a top coffee as being one of the largest coffee bean producers in the World.
As for food, fresh fish is a specialty of course. And Calulu is a traditional Angolan recipe for a classic stew of dried, salted fish, fresh fish, onion, tomatoes and hot chillies cooked in red palm oil with okra and sweet potato leaves.
*If you cannot get dry fish, use Fresh, but two different types. Salted Cod if you can get it is perfect. Or another time I used two fresh fish, using a mild whiting and more firm Emperor Fillets.
Recipe for Angolan Fish Calulu.